Raising awareness about 10 wars Australia was involved in.

About me:

  • Hello! Welcome to my website. My name is Taya and I am a year 9 student at Unity College. In our Thrive class (Christian studies) students are encouraged to make a difference in their community, and help raise awareness or help the cause of an issue in their community, that they are passionate about. This project is done yearly by all year 9’s at Unity College, and this assignment is called ‘The Passion Project’.

  • I chose a topic that I was passionate about and that was raising awareness about the forgotten wars Australia once served in. From my point of view, I don’t think enough people are aware of just how many wars Australian soldiers have served in. That is still a part of Australian history, it should have some recognition. Along with the lack of education about these wars, I think there is also a lack of respect for Australians who served. My goal for my passion project is to educate people about these wars and increase respect for the soldiers who served and died for our country.

  • As a part of the passion project, students are required to act upon their chosen topic, also known as the ‘Passion project act’. For my act, I created a painting dedicated to ten wars Australia once served in. I planned on donating the final piece of work to the RSL in Mannum. Along with the piece of artwork, I created this website as part of my act. This website provides a variety of information about the ten wars Australia was involved in. The website also displays the artwork I created along with an extended description of each section in the painting. My hope for this website is that it will educate some people about these wars. Just to clarify, there are more than 10 wars that Australia was involved in, but I chose ten so people could get an idea of some wars Australia fought in across the 20th century.

Second Boer War:


South Africa.

Boxer Rebellion:


Northern China.

Russian Civil War:


Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Poland and more…

Anglo-Iraqi War:



Malayan Emergency:


British Malaya, Southeast Asia and Borneo.

The Korean War:



The Vietnam War:


Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

Borneo Confrontation:



The Gulf war:


Iraq, Kuwait, Israel and more…

The Iraq War:



My Art Piece:

This art piece resembles ten different wars Australia served in. These wars range from 1899 to 2011. Each war has its own section dedicated in the painting, for it is a part of Australian history.

Below this paragraph, there is an extended explanation of symbols in each section (what they resemble.)

Speed paint of artwork:
