Boxer Rebellion:

Description of artwork…

This was a bit of a tricky conflict to find images of what the battle might have looked like. There were many images of large buildings that were lit ablaze with fire, and smoke pouring out of them, then there were images that contained large amounts of people attacking each other with swords and rifles, on horseback, or foot. But neither of these images was what I was looking for. For the Boxer Rebellion, I had to dig a little deeper to find an image that had the main focus of one person. As I clicked through images, I came upon an image that contained a man, with other men in the background, but this man was the center of attention in this image. This person was pointing what looked like to be a long sword, and it was pointed outwards. This immediately sparked inspiration and I was keen on using this as a reference in my artwork. The image reminded me of leadership, and the man in the image that I found, resembled a troop leader to me. Leadership is key when in a war for without leadership, no one would know what to do without having someone to lead them. In my art piece, I included the silhouette of a person pointing a sword outwards, with the Chinese flag in the background. This silhouette detail this repeated throughout the whole of the art piece.